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Clubs & Activities

Contact the Main Office for information to join a club or register for an activity.

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Clubs & Activities

Tiger Mascot

Sign up if you want to be the Tiger Mascot for this school year. This is only for 6th graders. As the Tiger Mascot, you will may have to wear the costume in the Gilbert Days Parade, School Events, Tiger Fest, etc. If more than 2 people sign up we will have an interview process.

Kindness Club

Students participate in various acts of kindness around our school and community.

Indigenous Club

Learn about Indigenous people of North America.

Drum Club

Students use buckets and drum sticks to perform music.

Sign Language Club

Students learn sign language.

Garden Club

Students learn how to plant a garden, as well the important steps of taking care of a garden.


Students partice Yoga in our Zen Den.

Lunchtime Sports

Mr. Nelson, our PE teacher leads the Lunchtime Sports activities. Students compete with one another in organized sports throughout the year.

Front Office Helpers

6th grade office assistants help the front office staff put away mail, deliver brainfood, and complete various tasks. Looking for responsible 6th grades to be an office assistant. Students give up their recess time to help in the office.

Cafeteria Leaders

Students help our building manager set up and take down the tables in the cafeteria.

Safety Team

This team comprises 4th-6th grade students. These students will wear a safety vest while they are on duty. In the morning, they will encourage students to go to the playground, help in the cafeteria, and help welcome students to school.


Join the Folklorico Club to learn Spanish dancing! This club is for 1st grade-6th grade students.

Spanish Stem

The main goal of the Spanish STEM Club is to increase student interest in STEM fields by providing hands on access and experience to tools of various technical fields including robots. We will learn Spanish STEM words in fun ways! No experience needed. It is open to students in 2nd to 6th grade. (6th Graders will sign up with Mrs. Parra).

News Crew

This is for 3rd-6th grade students. As part of the announcement team, you will fill in for Mr. Sremba when he is off campus. You will also join Mr. Sremba on the morning announcements. Student must be at the office at 8:10 and ready for the announcements on their assigned day. Space is limited to 30 students.

Girls Running and Fitness

Girls Fitness Club is designed to get girls active through running and other various exercises. Mrs. Romero is the sponsor of the club.

Pawsitive Leaders

4th-6th grade students apply to become a Pawsitive Leader. K-3 grade students will be selected by their teacher to join the club. This club serves as our student council and gives a student in each classroom a chance to represent their class and school.