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Principal's Corner
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Gilbert Elementary Flyers
Click to view flyers on upcoming school events, activities, and fundraisers.
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Download THIS month's elementary breakfast and lunch menu.
Download NEXT month's elementary breakfast and lunch menu.
Tiger Family-
We have received a lot of positive feedback on our school shirt this year. Please click the link below if you would like to order one.
Important Information
As an Arizona taxpayer, you have the unique opportunity to redirect a portion of your state tax dollars to support public education. It's easy to make your tax contribution online!
VIK means Very Important Kids! Find out more about before and after care offered at Gilbert Elementary.
Explore the preschools we offer at Gilbert Elementary for three and four year olds.
Our Social
Elementary Start & End Times
Bell Schedules:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
8:10 am – 2:55 pm
Wednesday Early Release:
8:10 am – 1:55 pm
Half Days:
8:10 am – 11:55 am
Side A | Lunch Time |
Kinder/Building Blocks | 11:20-11:40 |
1st Grade | 11:45-12:05 |
6th Grade | 12:30-12:45 |
Side B | |
5th Grade | 11:25-11:40 |
4th Grade | 11:50-12:05 |
3rd Grade | 12:05-12:25 |
2nd Grade | 12:25-12:45 |
Wednesday Lunch
Side A | Lunch Time |
Kinder/Building Blocks | 10:40-11:00 |
1st Grade | 11:05-11:25 |
6th Grade | 11:40-11:55 |
Side B | |
5th Grade | 10:45-11:05 |
4th Grade | 11:10-11:25 |
3rd Grade | 11:25-11:45 |
2nd Grade | 11:45-12:05 |
Half Day Lunch
Side A | Lunch Time |
Kinder/Building Blocks | 10:35-10:50 |
1st Grade | 10:50-11:05 |
6th Grade | 11:05-11:20 |
Side B | |
5th Grade | 10:40-10:55 |
4th Grade | 10:55-11:10 |
3rd Grade | 11:10-11:25 |
2nd Grade | 11:20-11:35 |
M/T/Th/F Recess
Side A | Recess Time |
Kinder/Building Blocks | 11:45-12:05 |
1st Grade | 12:05-12:25 |
6th Grade | 12:45-1:10 |
Side B | |
5th Grade | 11:40-12:05 |
4th Grade | 12:05-12:30 |
3rd Grade | 12:25-12:45 |
2nd Grade | 12:45-1:05 |
Wednesday Recess
Side A | Recess Time |
Kinder/Building Blocks | 11:00-11:20 |
1st Grade | 11:25-11:45 |
6th Grade | 11:50-12:20 |
Side B | |
5th Grade | 11:05-11:25 |
4th Grade | 11:25-11:45 |
3rd Grade | 11:45-12:05 |
2nd Grade | 12:05-12:25 |
Half Day Recess
Side A | Recess Time |
Kinder/Building Blocks | 10:50-11:00 |
1st Grade | 11:05-11:15 |
6th Grade | 11:20-11:30 |
Side B | |
5th Grade | 10:55-11:05 |
4th Grade | 11:10-11:20 |
3rd Grade | 11:25-11:35 |
2nd Grade | 11:35-11:45 |
Handbooks & Policies
Health Office
Erika Nelson
Ashley Whiting
About Health Services
Gilbert Public Schools has nurse coverage and health assistants in all of our schools available to assist students with illness and injury-related problems. In addition, we also conduct health screenings, assist students and families with referrals for health-related service, follow-up, and act as a health education resource for students, their families, and our staff.
- Maricopa County Department of Health Immunization Updates
- Maricopa County COVID-19 Vaccine Locations
- Dignity Health Free Immunization Clinic Information
- Free Immunization Clinics & Locations – Maricopa County, AZ
- School Immunization Requirements & Forms – AZ Department of Health
- Back to School Vaccinations – AZ Department of Health
Before attending our campuses during this time please remember to:
- Stay home when sick
- Wearing a face covering is optional
- Wash hands regularly, and use hand sanitizer
Thank you for your continued support!
Health Office Information
- When Your Child Should Stay Home
- Immunization Information
- Emergency Medical Information
- Health Services Medication Guidelines
- Communicable Disease on Campus
- Students with Physical Limitations
- Head Lice Information
- Annual Screening Information
When Your Child Should Stay Home
School is no place for a sick child. Please do not send your child to school if he/she has diarrhea, vomiting, a fever, rash, deep cough, or a communicable disease such as chickenpox, strep throat, pink eye or lice. You will be notified if your child becomes ill enough to be sent home from school, sustains more than a minor injury, or has an emergency. It is the parent’s responsibility to make arrangements to pick up an ill or injured child as promptly as possible. We suggest that you have someone listed on your emergency card in case you are not available or can not leave work.
Health offices are staffed by Registered Nurses and/or health assistants. The health office staff is available to assist students with illness and accidents that occur at school. Parents are requested to notify the Health Office if a student has a health problem.
Fever: Any child with a fever of 100.4 degrees or greater will be sent home and may return to school when fever free for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medication.
Diarrhea: A child that experiences one loose stool at school and feels better, will be returned to class. More than 2 loose stools, they will be sent home and may return to school after being diarrhea free for 24 hours without the aid of an anti-diarrheal agent.
Vomiting: One incident of vomiting without other symptoms such as fever, stomach pain, paleness/dizziness may not indicate illness. For this scenario, parent/guardian will be contacted and child will be monitored - it may not be necessary for the child to be sent home. The child will be sent home when there are two incidences of vomiting with or without other symptoms. The child may return to school when free from vomiting for 24 hours without the aid of medications.
When Your Child Should Stay Home Volante De Salud Para Los Padres
Immunization Information
Immunizations - Healthy Children Learn Better
Arizona State law ARS 15-803 states that all children must have up to date immunization records on file at school to be able to attend.
Guide To Arizona Immunizations Required For School Entry Grades K-12
Verification for all immunizations must include the child’s name, birth date, type of vaccine, date of vaccine, and name of doctor/agency administering the vaccine. Records must be signed or stamped by the agency providing the immunizations. A previous school record is also acceptable (does not include preschools). The record must be provided before school starts or at the time of enrollment. Immunizations must be up-to-date in order to begin school.
Preschool Immunization Requirements
Many immunization clinics are available in the area that may be free of charge. Please remember to take all of your child's immunization records for the clinic staff to review.
Some of the clinics will not give immunizations without a school referral form, or a complete record of previous immunizations. Parental history without documentation is not acceptable.
Free Immunization Clinics
Free Immunization Clinics - Maricopa County, AZ
REMEMBER: When visiting an Immunization Clinic, please bring ALL shot records or a letter from school stating which vaccines are needed.
Emergency Medical Information
You must notify the school nurse if your child has a medical condition such as diabetes, seizure disorder, asthma, heart disease, allergies (food and environmental), or any other type of physical/emotional/mental disability. This information will help Health Services and the school’s staff to better meet the needs of your child as well as provide emergency contact information in case of illness or injury. Please remember to advise the Attendance/Front Office of any changes in the home, employment or emergency numbers.
Health Services Medication Guidelines
When a student must take medication during school hours, the following requirements must be met:
- Prescription medication must be in the ORIGINAL container with a non-expired prescription label that matches the written physician’s order.
- Over-the-counter medications must be in the ORIGINAL container with original package directions.
- Age appropriate dosage as stated on the label will only be dispensed.
- In order for the Health Office to administer medications to a student, a Medication Permission Consent Form MUST be signed by the parent/guardian and physician. Dosage, time, routes and dates to be given and the name of the medication must be clearly stated.
- All medication must be dropped off and picked up at school by an ADULT only.
- It is recommended that when you get a prescription filled at the pharmacy that has to be given at school please ask the pharmacist to create a “School Bottle”. This is especially important with liquid medications (such as antibiotics) that have to be refrigerated.
- All inhalers, self carry or not, must have a pharmacy placed label on it or have the inhaler inside of the box with the pharmacy label. Inhalers not properly labeled are not allowed per district policy. Parents must complete the Consent to Carry Inhaler form and return it to the Health Office prior to the student carrying an inhaler on campus.
- Medications prescribed to be given three times per day, WILL NOT be given at school unless the prescribing physician states in writing that the medication, such as ADHD medication must be administered during school hours. Please make arrangements to give medications before or after school. Contact your school nurse for more information.
- Narcotic pain medication will not be given at school, even with a physician’s order, per board policy.
- Essential oils will not be applied or used at school. Essential oil diffusion is not permitted in the classrooms or on buses.
- Supplements and vitamins will not be given at school unless we are provided with a physician’s order.
- No forms of cannabis will be administered to students for medicinal purposes, even with a physician’s order, per board policy.
- Medications brought to school and not meeting the necessary requirements will not be dispensed. The medication will be locked in the office until a parent/guardian verifies the medication, signs the proper forms or takes it home.
- Please contact your campus nurse regarding further information on the inhaler and epi-pen order for any student.
Communicable Disease on Campus
The school principal, in consultation with District Health Services, determines when and to whom communicable disease notification letters are sent. Generally, if there is a physician confirmed case of a communicable illness within a classroom, a letter is sent to all parents/guardians of the children in that classroom. If 10% of the campus population has been physician confirmed, to have a certain communicable disease, a notification letter is sent to parents/guardians of the entire student body as advised by the Maricopa County Health Department. Information may also be relayed via school communication channels to alert parents about specific communicable diseases in the school.
Students with Physical Limitations
A child returning to school following a visit with a medical provider, with sutures (stitches - staples), an ace bandage wrap, sling, crutches, cane, walker, knee walker/scooter, or wheelchair - must have a licensed medical provider's written permission to attend school that includes any recommendations and/or restrictions related to physical activity, mobility and safety. All equipment must be provided by the parent/guardian.
A note from the physician is required for the child to be excused from PE or other strenuous activity after 3 consecutive days of a parent note. Please contact your child's health office staff for more clarification if needed.
Parents/Guardians must contact their child's health office regarding the short term use of crutches, canes, walkers, wheelchairs or other assistive walking devices. A physician's note is required after a 72-hour "grace" period. This additional information from the physician helps us to make emergency plans in the event of potential problems with ambulating or in the participation of activities such as recess or PE.
Head Lice Information
Lice infestation has nothing to do with socioeconomic status or hygiene standards. Anyone can get head lice. Lice and nits are commonly transmitted in children when they share combs, brushes, hats, and coats. Lice checks are performed on students when a parent or teacher suspects their child/student has lice or if classmates and/or siblings have lice. If a student is found to have live head lice, their parent/guardian will be notified to take their child home. The child must be treated and have most of the nits removed from the hair shafts before returning to school. Students may not return to school until all live lice have been removed. The Health Office staff must recheck the student’s hair prior to returning to school. Elementary school Health Office staff will send home a general letter when lice have been detected in the classroom of your student.
Annual Screening Information
Hearing: Hearing screenings are provided to pre-school, kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th-grade students every year per mandate under the guidelines of the Arizona Department of Health and Hearing Conservation Program. All special education students are screened annually. The screening provided is not a hearing test. If a student does not pass a second screening, their parent/guardian will be notified.
Vision: Vision screenings are conducted each year with selected groups of students per Arizona guidelines. Usually, this includes pre-school, kindergarten, 3rd, and 7th-graders. Parents and guardians will be notified if the screening indicates further medical advice might be advisable.
Tip Line
What is the Tip Line?
The GPS Tip Line was designed to promote school and student safety and well-being. The Tip Line is designed to provide students and parents with a safe and confidential way to report a threat or potential threat to a student or the school. It also provides information on other topics which may affect our students, staff, or schools.
See Something? Say Something?
Submit an Anonymous Tip
If this is an emergency, please dial 911.
Any concerns needing immediate attention after school hours should be reported to the police department.IMPORTANT: Before submitting your tip please use the Organization drop-down to select a school. Your tip can still be anonymous but we do need to know what school you are referring to so we can take action - Thank you.
Calendar & Category Legend:
- Gilbert Elementary - Public
Gilbert Public Schools appreciates your interest in becoming a volunteer at our schools. Our parent volunteers are an invaluable resource for our campuses.
Field Trip Chaperone Volunteers - If you are not a current Gilbert Public Schools employee or the parent/legal guardian of a student participating in a field trip, you are required to obtain a Level One IVP fingerprint clearance prior to participating as a field trip chaperone. This process can take about a month, so please ensure you submit your volunteer application with this in mind. Please complete the Volunteer position application by selecting the application button below. Please indicate the campus of the student field trip in which you wish to participate so that the campus can follow up on your application. You will need to provide two personal references. Once your GPS volunteer application has been processed, you will be contacted by someone from the district’s Office of Talent Management Department with information regarding an appointment to apply for your fingerprint clearance card. There will be no cost to you for your appointment to obtain your IVP fingerprint clearance.
Classroom Parent/Guardian Volunteers - If you are an occasional parent/legal guardian classroom or field trip volunteer, fingerprint clearance is not required. If you regularly volunteer in the classroom and work with students, you are required to obtain a Level One IVP fingerprint clearance. This process can take about a month, so please ensure you submit your volunteer application with this in mind. Please complete the Volunteer position application by selecting the application button below. Please indicate the campus at which you wish to volunteer so that the campus can follow up on your application. You will need to provide two personal references. Once your GPS volunteer application has been processed, you will be contacted by someone from the district’s Office of Talent Management Department with information regarding an appointment to apply for your fingerprint clearance card. There will be no cost to you for your appointment to obtain your IVP fingerprint clearance.
Submit an application for the District Wide volunteer position.